Thursday, May 10, 2012

The girl and the Pony

Camera: Nikon D5100 Lens: Tamron AF 70-300mm Settings: f/5,6  1/100sek ISO 100 Photographer: StineE Date: 08.05.2012 Model: Susann Pony: Kaprifolens Fager

I believe she gets tired of my camera, but she is a great model with the horses. All the photos become very good when I use the riding lessons with her to have photoshoots.
This photo is from this weeks riding lesson. She did very well, practiced on the trotting. She gots this great target: She want to ride home to mom and dad without someone that walk beside her and holds the horse. 
Btw! I just love her green jacket, maybe it's the jackets that make the pictures good? 

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